What is a CLT?
A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a democratic, non-profit organisation through which local/ordinary people can own land and buildings (assets) together, for the long term benefit of their own community. There are now over 400 community land trusts in the UK. Check out the National CLT Network to find out more.
CLTs offer affordable rent and security of tenure. The land owned by CLTs can’t be sold for a profit, which means the land and buildings stay in the community forever. As the community owns the assets, they also get to make decisions about them. These decisions are often based on shared principles and aims, for example, making sure homes and work spaces are pleasant and affordable, or reinvesting money raised from rent into the community.
Our Community Land Trust began in March 2016 as Heart of Hastings CLT. It was renamed Hastings Commons CLT at the AGM in September 2022. It is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority where details of any changes to our constitution can be seen as well as the annual accounts.
Hastings Commons CLT currently owns one-third of the social enterprise property development company Hastings Commons Neighbourhood Ventures. The Shareholders’ Agreement makes provision – once the buildings reach what we call ‘steady state’ (i.e. covering their own costs) – for the CLT to hold 100% of the shares, and therefore to own and control the properties in perpetuity and continue to sustain them at or below Living Rents levels.
As organisations that hold assets on behalf of the community and will last long into the future, CLTs need members. Hastings Commons CLT already has over 300 members but there are many people we know who are supportive but have not yet joined...

Our Community Land Trust began in March 2016 as Heart of Hastings CLT. It was renamed Hastings Commons CLT at the AGM in September 2022.
Hastings Commons CLT currently owns one-third of the social enterprise property development company Hastings Commons Neighbourhood Ventures. The Shareholders’ Agreement makes provision – once the buildings reach what we call ‘steady state’ (i.e. covering their own costs) – for the CLT to hold 100% of the shares, and therefore to own and control the properties in perpetuity and continue to sustain them at or below Living Rents levels.
As organisations that hold assets on behalf of the community and will last long into the future, CLTs need members. Hastings Commons CLT already has over 300 members but there are many people we know are supportive but have not yet joined.
Why does our CLT exist?
An increasing number of cities, towns and villages are facing huge challenges around the cost of housing, with areas suffering years of decline and disinvestment, and a lack of affordable homes. Since 2020 rents have gone up steeply in Hastings while wages have stagnated, so it’s harder and harder to find an affordable place to live. This will eventually destroy the diversity that makes the White Rock neighbourhood and the wider town so special.
Many of us have heard the term ‘Affordable Rents’, but what does that really mean, and what’s the alternative? The government calls rent ‘affordable’ if it is 80% of market rent. We believe that rent must be based on income, not on market value, to be truly affordable. Our affordability model is called Living Rents. These are set at 1/3 of average local incomes and only ever rise with inflation.
We support the health of the local economy by providing a wide range of workspaces from hot-desks in the Observer Building to the wonderful top-floor office in Rock House, tenanted by Technology Box, who first moved into Rock House in 2015 and have been providing internet services across the Commons ever since. There are lots of opportunities for collaboration, for example, one of our co-working tenants at the OB helped run an art workshop for children at the OB Re-Imagine Christmas Market in December 2022.
One of the most important solutions in this multi-crisis world is to work together for the greater mutual good – whether that is international cooperation to tackle climate emergency or localised DIY commoning to tackle physical dereliction and social isolation.
Building on the already-renowned community spirit in Hastings, we seek to create environments in which local people can enhance their lives and shape their places, while building strong bonds, sharing opportunities, and developing a powerful voice. In the Commons it is normal to know your neighbours and help with the upkeep of the place.
How Do I Join?
Become a member now so we can own land and buildings together for the long term benefit of our local community. You do not have to be local to Hastings to become a member, just a keen supporter of our aims and objectives!
Membership benefits:
- Opportunity to vote at our AGM
- Advance notice of flats and workspace to rent
- The right to stand as a trustee
- A certificate for your membership share
- Invitation to Commoners Rock annual event
- Receive our quarterly newsletter
Buy one or more shares at £1 each to join Hastings Commons CLT. You can help further either by buying more shares or by making a donation of any amount, either one-off or on a regular basis. Find out more about community shares via Co-operatives UK and the Community Shares Company.
To qualify for membership:
- Members must be at least 16 years old
- Organisations can be members and must nominate a named representative
- Members must support the objects of the organisation and take an active interest in it.
Terms and Conditions:
- Shares are non-transferable
- If you wish to end your membership, you must contact us in writing, at the address on our Contacts page
- Disposal or repayment of shares at the end of membership may occur only in accordance with our rules, which can be read below or by appointment at our offices
- We must keep records of members, and will, from time to time, contact you with details of meetings and other updates. You can view our data protection policy on our website or by appointment at our offices.